Lyn de June Photography
You didn’t fall in love because you were alone, or because you needed someone to make you happy. Or that you couldn’t function without them. You fell in love, because when they were around, the good things just got better. And the bad things didn’t seem so awful. You fell in love, for the sole reason. That it just felt right.
誰能想到這個外表嬌滴滴的女生,拿起相機時,所展露的專業態度竟能令人如此敬佩。畢業於英國倫敦藝術大學(UAL)攝影學系的Evelyn,於2016年開始她的婚攝生涯,拍下的照片總帶着攝人的現代美感,以及情感張力。Evelyn多年來一直抱著‘Capture souls, capture the moment’的理念,認為不需要刻意鋪排什麼大場面,攝影人物的自身魅力、當下的互動便足以造就照片的靈魂。
1/ Evelyn堅持「Timeless, 'capture the moment'」的攝影風格,留住動人一刻。
2/ 因應每對新人的相處以及他們的氛圍,拍攝一輯他們喜歡而又不會偏離自己風格的照片,就是Evelyn對「美」的追求。
3/ 近來的難忘回憶:「記得有一對新人的speech感人得讓大部份的賓客都流淚,是十分罕見難忘的場面。」