Makeup & Beauty | 化妝造型
AnnaCreation Bridal
To arrange a wonderful and unforgettable wedding for the bride, the groom and guests.
Our philosophy is very simple:
" to arrange a wonderful and unforgettable wedding for the bride, the groom and guests "
AnnaCreation arranges every single detail of customers' wedding ceremony. Our friendly service team will understand the needs and wants of brides and grooms through a series of light and relaxing consultations. In order to get them a dreamy wedding experience, our all-round wedding service provides bridal styling, special wedding gifts, table wine, customized photography and directories of shops selling wedding gowns & banquets... (*^_^*)
FB:AnnaCreation Bridal
IG: @annacreation_bridal
telephone:2871 3188
做過數之不盡的婚禮、畫過千萬張美麗面孔,由Yvonne率領的新娘化妝團隊AnnaCreation,憑藉多年的彩妝經驗、不斷求新求變的技術,以及細心專注,成為備受本港新娘喜愛的化妝師;而這次與Yvonne的深入交談,我們得以窺見這位細心女子在專業形象背後潛藏的暖心性格。 「一直認為和新娘的相會是很有趣的緣分,婚禮過後即使過了十年八載、見證大家由人妻成為人母,都仍會像朋友般互相 […]