Services | 婚禮服務
Felice Studio
When words fail, music speaks.
Felice means joyful and happy in Italian. Here at Felice Studio, we hope to bring all of our couples a joyful and unforgettable experience during the most important day of their lives. We believe that each wedding is incredibly unique. The uniqueness always comes from the little details such as the quality of the emcee or the music played throughout the day.
From the story of the newlyweds to the vibe of the wedding reception, our professional team provides expertise in creating the ideal wedding ceremony, tailor-made scripts, as well as customise rundowns and advise on a variety of music styles, from Classical to Jazz or Pop, etc.
去年10月29日,Anne結婚了,她穿著一襲簡約的婚紗,十指緊扣的是另一位容光煥發的女性,「我喜歡叫她太太,她則愛叫我老婆。」就在西貢WM hotel內的小禮堂,一對同志戀人這樣結婚了,舉辦了一場歡樂又感動的典禮和派對,落淚是因為找到靈魂契合的另一半,也是終於可以坦蕩蕩給愛人一個實在的名份:「結婚是基於愛的基礎,我們光明正大,和直人沒有分別。」
現場演奏的力量,絕非播放音樂可比擬|專訪婚禮樂隊Felice Studio
若說能把興趣變成工作是一種實力,能夠同時為別人帶來祝福更是一種幸運,這正是Felice Studio 團隊上下的寫照。“Felice”一字是意大利文中歡愉喜悅的意思,剛好透露了這現場演奏樂隊的用心:希望透過音樂,傳遞快樂。 “Music is the universal language of mankind.” 有說是,音樂是沒有界限的語言,只因為不論任何種族,人們都可以 […]