Kary Wong Makeup Studio

Kary Wong Makeup Studio with over 9 years of experience, consists of 4 professional make-up artists. With a full range of expertise, Kary Wong Makeup Studio always stays on top of fashion trends and produces detailed and tailored solutions relevant to individual clients.

The pursuit of beauty is Kary Wong Makeup Studio's only focus. They provides a variety of beauty treatments in addition to bridal and event makeup that expressing their enthusiasm to accommodate any of their clients needs.

Kary Wong Makeup Studio 從事新娘化妝超過9年,團隊由 4 位專業化妝師組成;多年來既緊貼婚禮時尚,同時兼顧新娘妝容需經典永恆之道。憑藉全方位的專業知識,品牌為每一位新娘提供一絲不苟以及由個人出發的造型服務。

Kary Wong Makeup Studio一向堅守她們對美的追求,除了新娘和商業化妝外,她們亦提供各種美容護理,滿足客人各方面的需求。

Kary Wong Makeup Studio 聯絡資料
Email 電郵:karywongmua@gmail.com
Phone 電話:5199 1769

Kary Wong Makeup Studio

Kary Wong Makeup Studio with over 9 years of experience, consists of 4 professional make-up artists. With a full range of expertise, Kary Wong Makeup Studio always stays on top of fashion trends and produces detailed and tailored solutions relevant to individual clients.

The pursuit of beauty is Kary Wong Makeup Studio's only focus. They provides a variety of beauty treatments in addition to bridal and event makeup that expressing their enthusiasm to accommodate any of their clients needs.

Kary Wong Makeup Studio 從事新娘化妝超過9年,團隊由 4 位專業化妝師組成;多年來既緊貼婚禮時尚,同時兼顧新娘妝容需經典永恆之道。憑藉全方位的專業知識,品牌為每一位新娘提供一絲不苟以及由個人出發的造型服務。

Kary Wong Makeup Studio一向堅守她們對美的追求,除了新娘和商業化妝外,她們亦提供各種美容護理,滿足客人各方面的需求。

Kary Wong Makeup Studio 聯絡資料
Email 電郵:karywongmua@gmail.com
Phone 電話:5199 1769

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